Apr 8, 2016

favorite pastels

[EN] Hey loves, how are you these days?! I wanted to show you today a simple, yet a cute outfit composed of my currently favorite pastels: baby blue (serenity) and light pink (rose quartz). For me spring is all about pastels and I think these two go wonderful together. They are so feminine, soft and lovely that I would wear them all day, every day.
Anywho, I have quite an obsession at the moment for off-the-shoulder blouses and I can't wait for summer to come to be able to wear them more often. As in for the pants, I've been searching for something different than jeans, some pants which would go both with sneakers and with heels, not very thick ones but also not too thin, a bit loose and cropped. Quite demanding, I know haha, but I finally manage to find these ones at H&M. They are super comfy and soft and I love how they look in both casual and elegant combos, so I had to get them in two colors: light pink and black. However, if you are interested you can find them also in navy blue or with a certain pattern. Finally, I just added a white clutch and my heels with floral pattern because I like to keep everything simple, yet chic. Remember, less is always more.

Have a lovely weekend,

[RO] Buna dragelor, ce mai faceti voi?! Astazi vreau sa va arat un outfit destul de simplu, dar dragut, outfit pe care l-am creat folosind pastelurile mele preferate: albastru deschis (serenity) si roz deschis (rose quartz). Pentru mine primavara inseamna sa port culori pastelate, iar cele de astazi mi se pare ca arata foarte dragut impreuna. Sunt foarte feminine, finute si dragute si daca as putea le-as purta mereu.
In momentul de fata imi plac foarte mult bluzele lasate pe umeri (cred ca mi-am format chiar o mica obsesie pt ele :)) ) si abia astept sa vina vara sa le pot purta mai des. Cat despre pantaloni, imi doream altceva decat blugi, niste pantaloni care sa se potriveasca atat cu sneakers cat si cu tocuri, nu foarte grosi dar nici foarte subtiri, putin mai lejeri si mai scurtuti. Cam multe pretentii, stiu haha, dar am reusit in final sa ii gasesc pe acestia la H&M. Sunt foaaarte comozi, materialul este tare placut la purtat si merg in ambele combinatii mentionate mai sus. A trebuit evident sa ii iau in doua culori: roz deschis si negru, iar va intereseaza, ii mai puteti gasi si pe bleumarin si alte modele cu diferite imprimeuri. In final am mai adaugat tinutei gentuta alba si pantofii cu imprimeu floral si cam atat, pentru ca imi place sa pastrez totul cat mai simplu si chic. Tineti minte, putinul inseamna tot timpul mai mult.

Un weekend fain sa aveti,

 Blouse / Bluza - H&M (similar / similara )
Slacks / Pantaloni - H&M
Heels / Pantofi - Primark
Clutch / Geanta - H&M


  1. Wow this beautiful outfit ! Love the color combinations ♡

  2. I like your blog, its really dope.
    Do you want to follow each other?
    If you want, than follow me, and let me know in comments, so I can follow you back with pleasure.

    We can follow each other on Instagram @andjela.dujovic, let me know in the comments so I can follow you back.


    1. Thank you! We already follow each other :) xoxo

  3. Ti-ai schimbat ceva la par?:) super fain outfitul, pantofii m-au dat pe spate si ochelarii. Fain asa simplu.

    1. Da, culoarea :)) L-am facut un rose blonde, dar a cam iesit deja :) Multumesc frumos! :*:*

  4. You look so lovely! I'm a big fan of off-the-shoulder blouses and yours is beautiful. The color palette of the outfit just lifts my mood, really cute!

  5. this outfit looks really sweet. love this colours.

    xoxo cassi


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