Jun 13, 2016

The two-pieces set & a pop of pink 🎀

[EN] Hello my dears, I hope you had a great weekend. What crossed my mind today was a very well-known phenomena of staying for hours in front of a full closet and having no idea what to wear. Sounds familiar?! I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one having this problem :))
So I thought of showing you a lovely two-pieces set which will definitely save you in situations as such. One high-waist pencil skirt in a nude/powder pink color and a white crop top with ruffles is the cutest solution one can go for:
- they are perfect for summer,
- the colors enable you to style them really easy,
- you can wear them with high heels, flats or even sneakers, depending on the occasion,
- and you can always add a vest, cardigan, jacket.
Super easy, right? :D

I found it HERE for only 8$ (!!!) and I chose to wear it with my colorful sandals from Zara (now on SALE), a powder pink clutch which goes perfectly with the skirt, to which I added that furry pompom to match the sandals. Finally, I added a khaki top which I worn as a vest just for a little bit more color. :)

Happy Monday!
Kisses, A.

[RO] Buna dragelor, sper ca ati avut parte de un weekend fain. Ce mi-a trecut astazi prin cap a fost fenomenul foarte des intalnit la noi, femeile, si anume acela de a sta in fata unui dulap plin ore in sir fara sa avem vreo idee cu ce sa ne imbracam. Va suna cunoscut? Sunt foarte sigura ca nu sunt singura care are aceasta problema. :))
Asa ca astazi m-am gandit sa va arat un compleu tare dragut  care, cu siguranta, va va salva in situatiile de genul. O fusta creion cu talie inalta, intr-o minunata culoare nude/roz deschis si un top alb, scurt, cu volanas este cea mai draguta solutie pe care o puteti adopta in astfel de situatii:
- sunt perfecte pentru vara,
- culoarea lor va permite sa le asortati foarte usor,
- puteti sa le purtati cu pantofi cu toc, balerini sau chiar tenisi, in functie de ocazie bineinteles
- si puteti oricand sa adaugati o vesta, un cardigan sau jacheta.
Nimic mai simplu, nu-i asa?! :D

Eu am gasit acest compleu AICI la doar 8$ (!!!) si am ales sa il port de data aceasta cu o pereche de sandale colorate de la Zara (acum la reducere), o geanta roz deschis care se potriveste perfect cu fusta, careia i-am adaugat acel ponpon pufos in aceeasi nuanta cu cea a sandalelor. In final, pentru putin mai multa culoare, am adaugat un top kaki pe care l-am purtat pe post de vesta. :)

Sa aveti o zi de luni frumoasa!
Pupici, A. 

 Skirt & Top / Fusta & Top - HERE / AICI
Vest / Vesta - H&M
Sandals / Sandale - Zara
Bag / Geanta - H&M
Necklaces / Lanturi - H&M


  1. Love this outfit! ❤ Culorile sunt atât de plăcute È™i de liniÈ™titoare, cumva. (is that a weird thing to say?) :D
    Îți doresc un început de săptămână cât mai bun! kisses

    1. Haha, multumesc Alina! Nu e deloc weird si chiar ma bucur sa aud asta :D
      Multumesc la fel, te pup


  2. Lovely post darling! Happy Monday!xo

    Vildana from Living Like V & Stalia Is BAE

  3. so darling!!! love the heels! :D

    Have a great week ahead!
    Animated Confessions

  4. Great look! I love your top! XX

  5. Cute! Love your top!

  6. Such a lovely look!so gorgeous!


  7. It's adorable <3

    Take a look at my new post: http://www.totafashion.com/soft-vibe/

  8. I love your outfit! It's so pretty and girly! :) xx


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