Jun 9, 2016

summer feelings

[EN] Hey loves, how are you today? This is my third post of the month, but I can't actually believe that it is already June and summer is finally here. Well, just in some days when there are no T-Storms or rain. However it got warmer and I am slowly starting to wear my summer dresses, jumpsuits, kimonos and other colorful, flowy items. And speaking of colorful and flowy, last week I received this gorgeous long cardigan/ shirt dress/ kimono which I couldn't wait to wear and the perfect place for it was of course the Sky Beach. White sand, cool sun chairs or even sun beds, refreshing limos and lounge music - what else could you wish for on a sunny summer day? I really love this place but somehow I only manage to get there one time per year haha. However, I hope that this summer things will change and the weather will be on our side.
Anyway, going back to the outfit, I absolutely love this kimono and it is such a versatile piece due to its multi color print, it's flowy and sooo pretty. This time I wore it over a white jumpsuit together with some lace up sandals and a pink/nude bag, but you could also wear it with denim shorts or even jeans, over a dress or at the beach, over a bathing suit. Moreover, you can find it HERE for only 6$!

On another matter, you might notice the rain drops in the photos and yes, it started raining at one point but that was actually the perfect moment to take photos since there were not so many people anymore :)).  You know, being shy and stuff... :D

Love, A.

[RO] Buna dragelor, cum va este ziua? Aceasta este cea de-a treia postare a lunii, dar nu imi vine sa cred ca este deja luna iunie si in sfarsit a venit vara. Ei bine, doar in anumite zile e vara cand nu sunt furtuni si ploi :D. Oricum nu ma pot plange, este intr-adevar mai cald si incet-incet incep sa port rochite, salopete, kimono-uri si alte lucrusoare colorate si varatice. Iar daca tot vorbim de piese colorate si varatice, saptamana trecuta am primit un nou colet in care se afla si acest superb kimono lung  pe care abia asteptam sa il port, iar locul perfect pentru a face treaba asta a fost desigur Sky Beach. Nisip alb, sezlonguri faine sau chiar paturi pe care te poti intinde la soare, limonade racoritoare si musica lounge - ce ti-ai mai putea dori intr-o zi insorita de vara? Imi place taaare mult acest local dar nu stiu cum se face ca doar o singura data ajung pe acolo in fiecare an haha. Sper totusi ca vara asta lucrurile sa se schimbe si ca vremea sa tina cu noi.
Dar sa revenim la tinuta, va spun sincer ca ador kimono-ul acesta pentru ca e foarte versatil datorita printului sau foarte colorat, e usor si super dragut. De data aceasta l-am purtat cu o salopeta alba, o pereche de sandale cu siret lung si o geanta roz-nude, dar puteti foarte usor sa il combinati si cu pantaloni scurti de blugi sau o pereche de blugi lungi, o rochie sau chiar sa il purtati la mare peste un costum de baie. Iar pe langa toate astea, il gasiti AICI la doar 6$! 
In alta ordine de idei, s-ar putea sa observati in poze picaturile de ploaie si da, a inceput sa ploua la un moment dat dar acela a fost momentul perfect pentru facut poze pentru ca nu mai era asa multa lume pe acolo. :)) Stiti voi cum e cu timiditatea.. :D

Va pup, A.


Kimono / Kimono - HERE / AICI
Jumpsuit / Salopeta - Mango
Sandals - Sandale - Mango
Necklaces / Lanturi - H&M
Bag / Geanta - H&M 

P.S: Sorry for the garbage cans but I couldn't actually move them away :))
P.S: Imi pare rau pt cosurile de gunoi prezente pe alocuri, dar nu prea aveam cum sa le mut de acolo :))  


  1. You look amazing! This look is perfect for summer, the kimono is so pretty and I love your sandals ♡

  2. Imi place mult de tot tinuta, kimono-ul chiar parca schimba tinuta, se potriveste de minune in peisaj! <3
    Te pup!

  3. Love your summer look. Beautiful

  4. Amazing look! The kimono looks great on you

  5. Wow, such a gorgeous look, I love it. The jumpsuit is so cute and looks amazing on you!

  6. what a pretty kimono, love it! you look fab!

  7. Absolutely love your outfit from head toe, those small details (jewelries) and the sandals with that long kimono, I love it! And you look stunning in this outfit. Now I'm curious of your next outfit post!

    Kisses Ashon

  8. You look sooo gorgeous! Love the look! :) x
    Helena - Swedish girl in Tokyo

  9. Great look! I love your kimono! XX

  10. The long cardigan looks so good with the lace up shoes!


  11. Lovely maxi kimono!

    Have a great start of the week :)

  12. Love the outfit! You look stunning!
    Mademoiselle Coconath

  13. Richtig hübscher Look

    LG Caterina

  14. OMG, you're so beautiful ! Perfect summer ouftit, love your jumpsuit (got the same sandals !) ;)
    Carole, www.teanchic.com


Thank you for for passing by and for sharing your lovely thoughts with me! ღ

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