May 23, 2016

be free 🌾

[EN] Hey loves, I hope you had a magical weekend! :) Ours was truly great with warm, summer weather, blue sky and different fun activities, but more about this in some future posts. However, today we are back to rainy, cloudy days, yaay, so this post somehow matches the grey sky. I wanted to snap some photos in the canola fields for a long time now and I was afraid that the flowers will be long gone until the weather will get better, so last weekend, at 10 degrees and on a super windy day we went to search for such a field. I actually wanted to take some outfit photos but the low temperatures didn't let me wear a dress like I would have liked, therefore this is not exactly an outfit post but I still find it to be a fun and special one. Plus that I love the colors and the contrast between the yellow flowers and the pastels. BTW, the flowers were not even fully bloomed, probably due to the low temperatures, but anywaaay.. :)) Well, I hope that these photos will at least make you smile on this (gloomy) Monday!

Love, A.

[RO] Buna dragelor, sper ca ati avut un weekend magic! :) Al nostru a fost foarte frumos cu vreme calda, de vara, cer albastru si diferite activitati faine, dar va voi spune mai multe in postarile viitoare. Astazi bineinteles ca ne-am intors la zilele ploioase si innorate, yaay, asa ca acest articol se cam potriveste cu cerul gri. De mult imi doream sa mai fac niste poze in lanul de rapita si imi era cam frica sa nu treaca perioada florilor pana va veni in sfarsit caldura, asa ca weekendul trecut, la 10 grade si pe un vant puternic, am pornit in cautarea unui astfel de camp. De fapt, va dati seama, vroiam sa fotografiez o tinuta aici, dar temperaturile mult prea scazute nu m-au lasat sa port o rochita, cum mi-as fi dorit, motiv pentru care acest post nu este tocmai unul referitor la tinuta. Totusi am zis sa va arat pozele pentru ca mi se par simpatice si diferite fata de ceea ce postez in mod normal, iar in plus imi plac mult culorile si contrastul dintre florile galbene si pasteluri. Apropo, florile nici nu erau inca in totalitate inflorite, probabil din cauza frigului, but anywayyy. :)) Sper sa va placa pozele si sa va faca macar sa zambiti in aceasta zi de luni (mohorita)!

Va pup, A.

Jacket / Jacheta - Primark
Shirt / Camasa - H&M
Jeans / Blugi - Zara
Scarf / Esarfa - H&M
Sneakers / Sneakers - Converse


  1. Foarte dragute pozele, imi place mult geaca roz! <3
    Te pup!

  2. Lovely photos! You look so happy and carefree! :) xx

  3. so nice :) have a nice day:)

  4. Cute! The pastel pink looks lovely on you!

    House of Illusions


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