Mar 24, 2016

The Midi Skirt - 3 Outfit Ideas

[EN] I always like to try new things, so today I thought to show you three outfits for more inspiration, one being my own and for the other two I created a collage. As you can see, they are all created around a very stylish, lady-like item, the midi skirt. The temperatures are slowly rising and we start to wear skirts and dresses more often (at least I do) and one of the items which is a must for your wardrobe is definitely a midi skirt. You can find them in all colors and patters, it's up to you what you choose, but I can assure you, you can never go wrong with such a skirt. It is perfect for holidays (Easter, for e.g., since it is just around the corner), daytime parties, even nighttime parties if you choose a dark colored skirt, going out for a brunch with your friends, in fact the options are unlimited. I find them very easy to style and you will always look great and classy, so thumbs up for them!

To tell you a few words about these outfits now, I chose to wear my white midi skirt because I missed wearing it and I wanted to mix it with some blue clothes since light blue (serenity) is also this year's color and since I had so much pink lately on the blog :D. Turns out I couldn't stay away for too long (look below) haha, but blue still takes this post over. I got the floral top last spring but I didn't manage to show it to you until now. It is sort of a crop top, very flowy and soft and I love its pattern and the fact that it has several shades of blue, which enabled me to mix it with a light blue coat and a dark blue pair of shoes. This is definitely something I would choose to wear on Easter or at a daytime party/celebration/garden party.

The other two outfits I created are more on the pink side (haha!) but I couldn't help myself when I saw the two gorgeous midi skirts. I think they are sooo pretty and perfect for spring and summer! You can easily pair them with white, black, b&w, nude, fuchsia, etc tops, but I chose a very pretty striped one for the pink skirt and a white off-shoulder top for the floral skirt. The heels are lovely too and I think they make such a great combo with these skirts. Finally, I added two small bags which can be worn as a clutch or on the shoulder, one in black for the first outfit and the other one in pink for the second outfit. All the items can be purchased at amazing prices and you find direct links to each of them down below.

Which is your favorite look and where would you wear it?
 πŸ’— πŸ’— πŸ’—  

Midi Skirts - 2 Outfit Ideas

[RO] Imi place sa incerc mereu ceva nou, asa ca astazi m-am gandit sa va arat trei tinute intr-o singura postare, pentru un plus de inspiratie. Prima tinuta este purtata de mine, iar pentru celelalte doua am creat un colaj si dupa cum puteti observa toate cele trei tinute sunt create in jurul unui articol vestimentar foarte stylish si elegant - fusta midi. Temperaturile cresc incetisor si incepem sa purtam tot mai des fuste si rochii (cel putin asa fac eu), iar una dintre piesele pe care trebuie sa le aveti in garderoba este cu siguranta fusta midi. Le puteti gasi in toate culorile si imprimeurile posibile, depinde doar de voi ceea ce alegeti, dar va pot asigura ca nu veti da gres niciodata cu o astfel de fusta. Este perfecta pentru a fi purtata de sarbatori (de exemplu de Paste, daca tot se apropie cu pasi vertiginosi), la o petrecere in timpul zilei sau chiar seara daca alegeti o culoare mai inchisa a fustei, la un brunch cu fetele, si de fapt optiunile sunt nelimitate. Mie mi se par foarte usor de asortat si arata mereu frumos si cochet.

Dar sa va spun si cateva cuvinte despre tinutele de astazi. Pentru tinuta mea am ales fusta midi alba pentru ca imi era dor sa o port si am vrut sa o combin cu niste piese albastre, din moment ce albastrul deschis (serenity) este si ea una dintre culorile anului 2016 si oricum am avut parte de mult roz aici pe blog in ultimul timp, trebuia ceva nou :D. Bineinteles nu am putut sta mult departe de roz (uitati-va mai sus) haha, dar totusi albastrul este predominant in aceasta postare. Topul cu motiv floral l-am achizitionat primavara trecuta dar nu am apucat sa vi-l arat pana acum. Este un fel de crop top, dintr-un material subtire si matasos si imi place mult imprimeul sau si faptul ca are mai multe nuante de albastru, ceea ce mi-a permis sa il combin cu un palton albastru deschis si o pereche de pantofi albastru inchis. Aceasta tinuta as purta-o cu usurinta de Paste sau la o petrecere pe timpul zilei.

Celelalte doua tinute create sunt mai mult de partea rozului (haha!), ceea ce am vrut sa evit pentru un timp dar nu m-am putut abtine cand am vazut minunatiile de fuste midi. Mi se pare atat de dragute si perfecte pentru primavara si vara! Pot fi cu usurinta combinate cu topuri albe, negre, alb & negru, nude, roz inchis, etc., dar eu am ales un top cu dungi pentru fusta roz si un top alb lasat pe umeri pentru fusta cu flori. Pantofii cu toc sunt atat de draguti, imi plac tare mult acele fundite pe glezne, si mi se pare ca merg de minune cu fustele. In final am ales doua gentute care pot fi purtate atat ca si plic, cat si pe umar: una neagra pentru prima tinuta si una roz pentru cea de-a doua. Toate produsele sunt la preturi incredibil de mici si v-am lasat link direct catre ele mai sus, sub imaginea cu tinutele.

Care este tinuta voastra preferata si unde ati purta-o?
πŸ’— πŸ’— πŸ’—    

 Blouse / Bluza - H&M
Skirt / Fusta - H&M
Coat / Palton - Primark
Heels / Pantofi - Bershka
Belt / Curea - H&M
Ring / Inel - Mango
Sunglasses / Ochelari de soare - New Yorker


  1. Foarte chic si lady alike outfitul!
    Imi place ca mereu esti mega eleganta si simpla. Foarte frumos ai combinat culorile. :)

    1. Multumesc mult Miha, ma bucur ca iti place :) te pup

  2. Ce tinuta finuta si eleganta, iti vine foarte bine! <3

  3. I love how you've styled this skirt, it looks lovely on you! :) xx

  4. very nice. i love your blouse ))))

  5. Replies
    1. I have nominated you for the Liebster Award! :)

  6. Such a great outfit! So elegant!

  7. nu numai fusta e superba, ci si paltonul, ii ador culoarea :D
    si e buna ideea cu cele trei lookuri :D

    1. Multumesc frumos! Ma bucur ca iti plac :)

  8. You look stunning! gorgeous!


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