Mar 21, 2016

Rose Quartz Maxi (II)

[EN] Hello my darlings, I hope you're having a great start of the week. As I told you in my previous post, I created another outfit with THIS SKIRT, simply because it's so pretty and I like it so much. I also find it a great investment for spring and summer and it is so easy to style - you can wear it in so many different ways. Moreover, I always feel more inspired when I see more outfits created around one piece of clothing, so I think this would be helpful and inspirational for you when you need ideas for styling a maxi skirt.
If the first look was an effortlessly chic one, this is definitely more feminine, elegant and glamorous, which can be worn even at a party. I chose a burgundy shirt with a black bow tie, a pair of lace up ballerinas (which can't be seen very well) and a faux leather jacket, which you can take on colder days / nights. I always like to have a little bit of contrast in my looks and I think I managed to create it quite well by putting the rose quartz skirt together with a burgundy shirt. What do you think? Which is your favorite look?

You can find the skirt HERE , or you can check other maxi skirts HERE

Bisous  πŸ’—  

[RO] Buna dragilor, sper ca aveti parte de un inceput de saptamana frumos. Dupa cum va spuneam in postarea anterioara, am creat o a doua tinuta cu aceasta FUSTA, pur si simplu pentru ca este atat de frumoasa si imi place foarte mult. Mi se pare a fi o investitie foarte buna pentru primavara si vara si este foarte usor de asortat - o puteti purta in o gramada de combinatii. Pe langa toate acestea, pe mine ma inspira mereu sa vad mai multe tinute create in jurul unei anumite piese, asadar cred ca un al doilea post cu aceasta fusta ar fi si pentru voi de mare ajutor cand veti avea nevoie de idei pentru a purta o fusta  maxi.
Daca primul look a fost unul chic, dar mai lejer, cel de astazi este cu siguranta mai feminin, mai elegant, mai glam si poate fi purtat chiar si la o petrecere. Am ales o camasa bordo cu fundita neagra, o pereche de balerini cu siret (care nu se vad prea bine) si o geaca neagra de imitatie de piele, de care veti avea nevoie in zilele / serile mai reci. Imi place sa am mereu un pic de contrast in tinutele mele, iar de data aceasta cred ca mi-a iesit destul de bine prin alaturarea fustei roz si a camasii bordo. Ce parere aveti? Care tinuta va place cel mai mult?

Fusta o gasiti AICI, iar alte fuste lungi gasiti AICI.

Pupici πŸ’—

 Skirt / Fusta - HERE
Shirt / Camasa - Primark
Jacket / Geaca - New Yorker
Clutch / Plic - H&M
Sunglasses / Ochelari de soare - Primark


  1. OMG you look amazing! I need this skirt :o :o

    But one little question, how tall are you ? I'm always scared when I order on Chinese website, because it's always too short :/

    1. Thank you my dear! I am 1.72 cm and I ordered size M and it is perfect! I also worry for such maxi skirts/dresses not to be too short, but trust me this is long enough and incredibly pretty! πŸ’–

  2. Lovely skirt! You look really beautiful! <3

    Vildana from Stalia Is BAE & Living Like V

  3. Fusta e perfecta si imi place mult cum ai combinat-o <3
    Te pup!

  4. Very pretty! I love the pleated maxi skirt :)

    Rica |

  5. Oh my that skirt is absolutely gorgeous! I love that you paired it with the darker top. A great and unexpected combo!

    Clothes & Quotes

  6. Great ensemble! So chic!

  7. adorable post again ! :)

  8. i want the clutch and the skirt. so beautiful! thankyou for sharing, amazing post!
    would you like to follow each other?, let me know if you're already follow me in my last post, i'll follow you back.
    have a nice day, cheers!


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