Mar 17, 2016

Rose Quartz Maxi (I)

[EN] You probably know already that this year's colors are Rose Quarz and Serenity and if these fancy names confuse you, you should know that they refer to a shade of light pink and a shade of light blue. I couldn't be happier since both of them are among my favorite colors and I find them way better than last year's color - Marsala. Why? Simply because these are prettier, lighter, pastel colors which can be worn all year round but especially in spring and summer, freshening every outfit up.

Maxi skirts and dresses are also on my "Beloved Items" list and you can imagine that I set my eyes months ago on THE ONE I'm wearing today. It finally arrived in my wardrobe a week ago and in fact, I don't mind for waiting so long because I love it even more now and the season which enables me to wear it properly has just began. The skirt is very beautiful, the fabric is a bit shiny and not very thick, but definitely a qualitative one. It has a gorgeous color and it's length is perfect - I'm very happy that it is so long since I don't like the ones which show the ankles. The first look I went for is definitely perfect for the beginning of spring and I paired the skirt with an off-white off-the-shoulders sweater, a camel bag and a pair of boots in the same shade as the bag. I added some golden accessories among which my new pair of rosegold aviator sunglasses.
However, I won't stop here since I have tons of ideas of wearing this skirt, so you will probably see another look with it next week on the blog.


[RO] Probabil stiti deja ca Rose Quarz si Serenity sunt culorile anului 2016, iar daca aceste denumiri extravagante ridica multe semne de intrebare, sa stiti ca de fapt este vorba de o nuanta deschisa de roz si una deschisa de albastru. Eu una ma bucur foarte tare de aceasta alegere din moment ce amandoua se afla printre culorile mele preferate si mi se par mult mai frumoase decat culoarea anului trecut - Marsala. De ce? Pentru simplul motiv ca sunt mai dragute, mai delicate, mai pastelate si pot fi purtate pe tot parcursul anului, dar in special primavara si vara, inviorand orice tinuta.

Fustele si rochiile lungi se afla si ele printre preferatele mele, asa ca va puteti imagina ca mi s-a pus pata pe FUSTA de astazi acum cateva luni. A ajuns in final in garderoba mea acum vreo saptamana si va spun sincer ca nu imi pare rau ca am asteptat atat sa o comand pentru ca acum imi place chiar mai mult si de fapt, sezonul in care se potriveste cel  mai bine de abia acum a inceput. Fusta e minunata, avand un material putin lucios si nu prea gros, dar cu siguranta de buna calitate. Culoarea e superba, iar lungimea e perfecta - ma bucur ca e asa de lunga deoarece nu imi plac cele care lasa gleznele la vedere. Prima tinuta in care am ales sa o port este una perfecta pentru acest inceput de primavara, combinand-o cu un pulover lasat pe umeri, o geanta in nuanta camel si o pereche de cizme tot camel. Am adaugat niste accesorii aurii, printre care si noua mea pereche de ochelari de soare aviator, intr-o nuanta rosegold .
Oricum, sa nu credeti ca ma opresc aici din moment ce am o gramada de idei de a purta aceasta fusta, asa ca probabil o veti vedea saptamana viitoare intr-un outfit nou.


 Skirt / Fusta - HERE / AICI
Sweater / Pulover - H&M 
Bag / Geanta - Primark
Boots / Cizme - Pull and Bear
Sunglasses / Ochelari de soare - Primark


  1. Amazing post, dear! :) Do you want to follow each other? If yes, please follow me with GFC and write a comment
    and I follow you back :)

  2. Hello,

    Wow, lovely look ! :D


  3. Ce bine ai combinat fusta! Imi place tare mult outfitul tau!:)

  4. Wonderful photos! :)

    Have a great weekend! xx

    Vildana from :

  5. Love your look!

    Rakel ♥

  6. Damn! I want that sweater so badly! You look wonderful <3

    1. Thank you! Yes, it's one of my favorite purchases on sales this winter :D

  7. So beautiful and romantic!


  8. amazing post dear :)
    have a nice weekend! :)

  9. such a nice skirt and top! you look great in these pastel colors!

  10. I love this skirt! It's so delicate.

  11. OMG! We have the same skirt! I super love mine too. It's really flowy. Thanks for giving me an idea of how I'll style mine next :)

    SHAIRA // Dentistry Night 2016

    1. Thank you Shaira, I'm happy to be able to inspire you :)

  12. I follow you back now.
    I also liked your facebook-page.
    Like my page back, please.


Thank you for for passing by and for sharing your lovely thoughts with me! ღ

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