Jun 20, 2016

pompoms & tassels

[EN] Heeello, hello! The planets have finally aligned, a miracle happened and the rain has stopped so I got a chance to shot some outfits yesterday. More exactly two of them. And I couldn't wait to show you this one since I find it so joyful and cute, just perfect to brighten up your Monday :D
About 10 days ago I received a new package with two gorgeous dresses, the one I'm showing you today being one of them. As you probably already know, tassels and pompoms are this summer's most popular trend, therefore at least one piece of clothing/a pair of shoes with such details is definitely a must this season. When I saw this dress I fell in love instantly: it has blue stripes and pink tassels, what else could you wish for?! I find it to be so summerish and cute, the fabric is really really soft and good and it is very comfortable. I love the bell sleeves (another trend of the season) and the backless detail, and I'm sure it will be the perfect holiday dress. You can find it HERE, on SALE.
I wanted a pair of pompom sandals for a while now and I kept browsing the websites until I found these cutie pies which I know will be my summer favorites. I got mines from depurtat.ro, but I will leave you some links below with similar sandals, in case you are interested too.
Finally, I added a pink clutch and my Sunday-Funday outfit was ready. What do you think? :D

Have a great week,

[RO] Heelloo, hello! In sfarsit s-au aliniat planetele, un miracol a avut loc si s-a oprit ploaia, ba a iesit chiar si soarele, astfel incat am reusit sa pozez niste tinute ieri. Mai exact doua. Si abia asteptam sa va arat tinuta de astazi pentru ca mi se pare atat de vesela si draguta, numai buna de a insenina o zi de luni. :D
Acum aproximativ 10 zile am primit un nou pachet in care se aflau doua rochite tare faine, una din ele fiind cea de astazi. Dupa cum probabil stiti deja, ciucurii si pompoanele colorate sunt cel mai popular trend al verii, asa ca trebuie sa aveti cel putin un obiect vestimentar sau o pereche de pantofi cu asemenea detalii. Cand am vazut aceasta rochie m-am indragostit instant: are dungi albastre si ciucuri roz, ce iti poti dori mai mult?! Mi se pare a fi atat de varatica si draguta, e foarte comoda, iar materialul este foarte foarte moale si de buna calitate. Imi plac mult si manecile ei largi, in forma de clopot (un alt trend al verii) si faptul ca este cu spatele gol - sunt sigura ca va fi rochia perfecta de vacanta. O puteti gasi AICI, la reducere.
Cat despre sandale, mi-am dorit o astfel de pereche de ceva vreme deja si am tot cautat pe fel de fel de site-uri pana le-am gasit in sfarsit pe dragutele astea pe depurtat.ro. Acestea vor fi cu siguranta preferatele mele in aceasta vara, iar mai jos veti gasi niste linkuri cu sandale asemanatoare, poate va intereseaza si pe voi. :D
In final am adaugat o gentuta roz iar tinuta mea vesela de duminica a fost gata. Ce parere aveti? :D

O saptamana frumoasa va doresc,

Sandals / Sandale - depurtat.ro (Similar 1, Similar 2, Similar 3) 
Bag / Geanta - C&A (old)


  1. Super frumos outfitul! Sandalele dementiale si merg perfect cu rochita! Esti un deliciu!:)

  2. Daaa, tinuta e super vesela si draguta, imi place la nebunie! <3

  3. Love the details of your dress! gorgeous!


  4. I really like this colorful and very original dress
    You have a interesting blog. I hope you will like mine
    a lot of kisses

  5. Suuuper pretty look! Love all those pompoms, especially the sandals !!


    1. Thank you dear, i'm glad your love them :)

  6. Stunning love the dress!

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    Emily from PTT

  7. I want that dress and sandals lol :)


  8. interesting dress :)
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