Jul 11, 2016

Bright Red for the Summer

[EN] Hello dear ones, I told I was going to back on track starting this week, hehe. And since it is Monday, it's time for a new post. I still have to show you two outfits and some other photos taken in Sibiu, but I also have to show some new lovely dresses I recently got. It was hard to choose what to begin with but I finally decided upon this red off the shoulders ruffle dress which is just amazing! I know you all wonder about the quality of these products, but I have to tell you that their quality improved considerably in the past year and I am always pleasantly surprised of how great their products are.

Regarding this dress, the fabric is very light, soft and comfy. The off-shoulder detail is my favorite at the moment (I had to say it again in case you couldn't tell from my previous 9736815 posts haha) and the asymmetric shape makes it even more interesting. It is really perfect for the hot summer days and even if I am not that into red color I love this one and I was amazed of how easy it is to style it. This time I chose a pair of black & white lace-up heels together with a b&w tote bag and some black accessories, but I also paired it with camel fringed boots and backpack (for a festivaly kind of look) or with flat sandals and a small bag. It really goes with everything and moreover, it will also look great at the beach. You can find it HERE, on SALE. How would you wear it?

Have a great week,

[RO] Buna dragelor, v-am spus eu ca revin la programul normal incepand cu aceasta saptamana, hehe. Iar din moment ce este luni, avem o noua postare. Ca o paranteza, sa stiti ca mai trebuie sa va arat doua tinute si alte poze din Sibiu, dar trebuia sa va arat si niste rochite super dragute pe care le-am primit recent. Nu mi-a fost foarte usor sa ma hotarasc cu ce sa incep, dar pana la urma m-am decis asupra acestei rochite rosii cu umerii goi si volane, care e superba! Stiu ca va intrebati mereu cum e calitatea acestor produse, dar trebuie sa va spun caci calitatea lor s-a imbunatatit considerabil in ultimul an si raman mereu surprinsa de cat de faine sunt produsele lor.

Dar ca sa revin, rochita de astazi este facuta dintr-un material subtire, matasos si foarte comfortabil. Bineinteles, detaliul cu umerii goi este preferatul meu in momentul de fata (va mai spun o data in cazul in care nu v-ati dat seama din celelalte 9736815 postari haha), iar forma asimetrica o face si mai interesanta. Mie mi se pare ca e perfecta pentru zilele calduroase de vara si chiar daca nu sunt cea mai mare fana a culorii rosii, imi place tare mult aceasta rochita si am ramas suprinsa cat de usor este de asortat. De aceasta data am ales sa o port cu o pereche de pantofi/sandale alb-negru, cu siret si o geanta in aceleasi (non)culori, iar in final am adaugat niste accesorii negre. Dar sa stiti ca am mai purtat-o si cu cizmele mele maro cu franjuri si un ghiozdanel sau cu sandale joase si o gentuta mica. Chiar merge cu orice, iar in plus cred va arata tare fain si la plaja. O gasiti AICI, la reducere. Voi cum ati purta-o?

Va doresc o saptamana frumoasa,

 Dress / Rochie - HERE / AICI
Sandals / Sandale - Zara (old)
Bag / Geanta - Zara (old)
Choker / Lant - H&M
Sunglasses / Ochelari de soare - H&M (old)


  1. Nice pics, imi place rochita rosie, e mega fun!:)

  2. That dress is perfection! Looks gorgeous on you!


  3. You look so pretty in this dress! :) xx

  4. Wow, you looks great !

  5. This dress looks great on you! And your hair is just perfect!

    House of Illusions

  6. Cat de frumoasa e rochita! Am vazut-o si eu pe bleu dar nu stiam cum e in realitate, dar acum ca am vazut-o la tine, imi place mult de tot :)

  7. I adore your bright red dress!
    xx from Bavaria/Germany, Rena


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