May 2, 2016

Florals & denim

[EN] Hello my dears, I hope you had a wonderful weekend and for the ones who celebrate Easter, I hope you still have a lovely holiday. Today's outfit would have been perfect for yesterday's event, but it goes very good on this second day of Easter as well, if we want to wear something special. You know that I always choose to dress up on holidays because I like to celebrate them and look more different than on the other days. Therefore, a floral midi skirt would be the perfect choice, from my point of view: it's elegant, it's colorful, it's comfortable and suits the event. This time I added a denim shirt and I absolutely love the contrast between the skirt and the shirt and I think it highlights the skirt even better. Also, denim shirts are very trendy this season and you can wear them in thousands of combinations, so I would definitely suggest to invest in such a shirt. The SKIRT can also be worn in several styles and outfits, from casual to elegant ones and I find the print super pretty and perfect for spring/summer. Not to mention that it costs only 5,99$ - definitely a must-have!
Finally, I added a pair of nude stilettos and a fuchsia clutch.

What do you think? How would you wear this skirt?

[RO] Buna dragelor, sper ca ati avut parte de un weekend minunat, iar pentru cele care sarbatoresc Pastele, sper ca inca aveti parte de o sarbatoare frumoasa. Tinuta de astazi ar fi fost perfecta pentru ziua de ieri, dar totusi cred ca se potriveste bine in cea de-a doua zi de Paste, in caz ca vrem sa purtam ceva mai special. Dupa cum stiti deja probabil, eu aleg mereu sa ma imbrac mai elegant de sarbatori pentru ca imi place sa arat diferit decat in celelalte zile si sa simt ca acea zi este speciala. Asadar, o fusta midi cu motiv floral ar fi alegerea perfect din punctul meu de vedere: este eleganta, colorata, vesela, comoda si se potriveste evenimentului. De data aceasta am ales sa o combin cu o camasa de blugi si imi place foarte mult contrastul rezultat dintre cele doua, iar in plus mi se pare ca aceasta camasa pune foarte bine in valoare fusta. Camasile de blugi sunt foarte trendy in acest sezon si pot fi purtate intr-o gramada de combinatii, deci va recomand cu drag sa investiti intr-o astfel de camasa. FUSTA poate fi si ea purtata in diferite stiluri si tinute, de la tinute casual la elegante si viceversa, iar imprimeul este foarte dragut si perfect pentru acest sezon. Sa nu va mai spun ca aceasta fusta costa doar 5,99$ - cu siguranta o piesa vestimentara pe care merita sa o aveti in garderoba!
In final am adaugat o pereche de pantofi cu toc nude si un plic/gentuta roz fuchsia.

Ce parere aveti si cum ati purta aceasta fusta?

 Shirt / Camasa - H&M
Skirt / Fusta - HERE / AICI
Heels / Pantofi - Primark
Clutch / Plic - C&A


  1. Followed back! I really love your outfit, it perfectly fits to you!


  2. You look lovely. That floral print skirt is beautiful and it fits you great!


  3. wau this skirt I awesome I never knew how to wear this kind of skirts this is awesome

  4. Perfect combinations, great look! I'm in love with your skirt, your pink lipstick and the personality in there ;)

    ♥ from

  5. Arata tare bine. Te pup cu drag

  6. omigosh the skirt is so pretty!

  7. I really love your amazing skirt, perfect look! kiss
    Federica - Cosa Mi Metto???

  8. Love the skirt! Perfect for spring!

    Mademoiselle Coconath

  9. Both looks amazing when paired. Great styling!
    Have a great day!

  10. ohhh yout skirt its very cute!!! i love them !!


  11. You look so lovely! love your floral skirt! beautiful on you!

  12. Really pretty skirt!

  13. Very tender and feminine! Like the combination of the skirt with a simple denim shirt

  14. The skirt.. so gorgeous! I love your blog too, let me know if you want to follow each other! x


Thank you for for passing by and for sharing your lovely thoughts with me! ღ

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