Mar 8, 2016

Happy day to us, darlings!

[EN] Hello my darlings! I decided to postpone yesterday's post for today because today is a special spring day - it's our day, the International Women's Day! Firstly, I want to wish you all to be happy & healthy, to have a sunny, warm spring with magical moments and always be beautiful and strong!

Having said that, I also thought of showing you another feminine, pretty & romantic outfit, cause I know you all like that! Plus that it matches today's event perfectly! :)
This time I chose a white and pink outfit, but instead of wearing a skirt or a dress I chose a pair of white skinny pants/jeans and played with some shades of pink. Pink is my happy color, a color I find to be so lovely & feminine, so I couldn't have chosen something else for today. :)

Also, I wanted to show you another possibility of wearing this gorgeous fluffy COAT, which is perfect for the beginning of spring and this transitional period. It is so easy to style in all kinds of outfits (feminine, sporty-chic HERE, casual, etc), it keeps you warm and I think it is uber cute! I took my floral heels which I couldn't wait to be able to wear again, a bouquet of gorgeous yellow roses (you know I like contrasts), and finally the rosegold SUNGLASSES, which I've been wearing almost non-stop since I got them and which are a true statement piece. You can find them HERE.

Have a beautiful day & mucho love from me to you,

[RO] Buna dragele mele! Am decis sa aman postarea de ieri pentru astazi deoarece astazi este o zi de primavara cu totul speciala - este ziua noastra, Ziua Internationala a Femeii! In primul rand, vreau sa va urez sa fiti fericite, sanatoase, sa aveti parte de o primavara insorita, calda, plina de momente minunate si nu uitati sa fiti mereu frumoase si puternice!

Un alt motiv pentru care am amanat postarea este faptul ca vroiam sa va arat inca o tinuta feminina, draguta si romantica, dupa cum stiu cum va place! Si chiar se potrivea tare bine cu evenimentul. :)
De data aceasta am ales o tinuta alb-roz, dar in loc de o fusta sau o rochita, am optat pentru o pereche de pantaloni/blugi skinny albi carora le-am alaturat diferite nuante de roz. Rozul este printre culorile mele preferate, daca nu chiar cea preferata, o culoare care ma binedispune mereu si care mi se pare a fi foarte dragalasa si feminina. Asa ca, va dati seama, nu puteam alege altceva pentru aceasta zi. :)

Pe langa toate acestea, am vrut sa va arat inca o modalitate in care puteti purta dragutul si pufosul
PALTON roz, care este perfect pentru acest inceput de primavara si de fapt, pentru aceasta perioada de tranzitie rece-cald. Este o piesa usor de asortat si de purtat in diferite tinute (feminine, sporty-chic AICI, casual, etc), tine de cald iar mie mi se pare super dragut! Am purtat pantofii cu toc cu imprimeu floral, pe care abia asteptam "sa-i scot de la naftalina", am ales un buchet de trandafiri galbeni (stiti voi ca imi plac contrastele) si in final ochelarii de soare in nuanta rosegold, pe care ii port aproape non-stop de cand i-am primit si care sunt o adevarata piesa statement. Ii gasiti AICI.

Va doresc o zi minunata & mucho love,

Coat / Palton - HERE / AICI
Sweater / Pulover - H&M
Shirt / Camasa - H&M 
Pants / Pantaloni - Primark
Sunglasses / Ochelari de soare - HERE / AICI
Bag / Geanta - H&M
Earrings / Cercei - H&M
Bracelet / Bratara - Stradivarius 


  1. Wonderful look,
    hope your are having a great day dear!

  2. La multi ani!
    Ce tinuta dragalasa, o ador!
    Te pup!

  3. Wonderful post dear!



    Vildana from :

  4. Omg, you look so beautiful sweetie! Pink suits you so much! <3

  5. So springy love it!

    Would you like to follow each other on Facebook / Instgram ? :-)


    Emily from PTT

    1. I'm glad you like it! sure, we can follow each other!


  6. och, perfect outfit!
    Great shoes, fur and bag <3
    LOVELY! <3

  7. Wow this outfit is so chic and elegant and girly and everything that I like right now! Kind of obsessed with pink lately, and I just love how your wear this color!

    1. Thank you so much darling, I'm obsessed with pink too :D xx

  8. I love the pink colour in this outgit !
    Your coat seems so comfy i love it !

  9. O tinuta tare feminina, care te reprezinta cel mai bine, as spune eu. Am un pulover intr-o nuanta asemanatoare, chiar o sa apara intr-o postare viitoare. :* :*

  10. Amazing Outfit and fabulous photos. Already pinned some for my Pinterest Albums!!!!!
    Kisses from Greece!

  11. Adorable dress and your shoes are beautiful. Kisses :)


Thank you for for passing by and for sharing your lovely thoughts with me! ღ

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